Hi, I'm Thong Nguyen. A developer, father and DIY enthusiast from Los Angeles. Welcome to my site—a collection of things I've learned in the form of code snippets, notes, and mini demo applications.
An efficient search tree data structure commonly used for information retrieval like string matching and predictive text (e.g. autocomplete)
Bloom filters are probabilistic data structures that solve membership problems, where false positives are possible, while false negatives are not
A quick look at how Kruskal's algorithm can be used to generate a perfect maze
Huffman coding is an algorithm for lossless compression of data, this post is a brief introduction to the algorithm with a nice demo
A gentle introduction to Markov chains and how to use them to generate text
An example of a minimum spanning tree using Prim's algorithm
I built the kids an app version of their favorite game—Thinkfun's Solitaire Chess, using the Flutter framework
An implementation of Conway's Game of Life
An introduction to the minimax algorithm with tic-tac-toe
I've been playing with JavaScript lately and needed a simple way to run some home grown tests directly in the browser, nothing fancy
A collection of various pattern matching algorithms implemented for fun
A collection of various sorting algorithms implemented for fun
Notes and snippets of code for general and binary tree implementations