
TinyTest a Browser-Based JavaScript Test Runner

I just wanted to share a quick and simple browser-based JavaScript test runner.

How to use it

Here's an example test.


describe('AdventureGame', () => {
  describe('#moveForward', () => {
    it('Should move forward n steps', () => {
    it('Should not move forward if blocked', () => {
      ... assertEquals(...);

  describe("#isWon()", () => {
    .it('Should return true for won game', () => ...)
    .it('Should return false if game is tie', () => ....);

  it('Should have initialized the game with 3x3 matrix', () => {

The test results are simply dumped to the browser's console.



Functionality wise it doesn't do much, just helps organize tests and runs them in one place.


describe(desc, fn) grouping of tests and sub-groups

it(desc, fn) defines a test to run

assertEquals(expected, actual) assert equality for primitives, otherwise JSONify everything to strings and compare


Source for TinyTest is on GitHub.

 * TinyTest testing framework, not really it's just a simple test runner 
 * to organize and run your test with some pretty output.
const TinyTest = (function() {
  const defaultStyles = {
      label: 'color: #999',
      failing: 'color: #ff3333',
      passing: 'color: #00cc00',
      groupLabel: 'font-weight: 700',
      subgroupLabel: 'font-style: italic;',
      indentSize: 12,   

   * Initialize the TinyTest framework
   * @param {string} ctxName name of context to dump the API to, if undefined, window scope if used
   * @param {object} styles containing styles to override, see defaultStyles above
  function _TinyTest(ctxName, styles) { 
    // Apply default styles, then overwrite with any custom styles
    styles = styles || {};
    const STYLES = defaultStyles;
    for (var n in styles) { STYLES[n] = styles[n]; }

    // Determine where to dump the API
    let ctx;
    if (ctxName === undefined) {
      // Using window global scope
      ctx = window;
    } else {
      ctx = {};      
      window[ctxName] = ctx;

    // For pretty indentation of result output
    ctx.___tinytest = {indent: -STYLES.indentSize}

     * Grouping of tests and sub-groups.
     * @param {string} desc describing the grouping of tests and sub-groups
     * @param {function} fn to be executed
    ctx.describe = function(desc, fn) {
      // Every block gets indent 12px right
      ctx.___tinytest.indent += STYLES.indentSize;
      // Flag for "it" to know if it's inside a describe block
      ctx.___tinytest.inDescribeCtx = true;

      // We wrap console to help pretty print output.
      // Only the outer most describe should wrap/unwrap the console.log
      let unwrapConsolelog = false;
      if (ctx.___tinytest.log === undefined) {
        unwrapConsolelog = true;
        ctx.___tinytest.log = console.log;
        // Replace console.log with the following, mostly for pretty output
        console.log = function() {
          const args = Array.from(arguments);
          ctx.___tinytest.log('%c ' + args.shift(), 
        // Outer most describe block should initialize and keep 
        // track # of passing/failing tests
        ctx.___tinytest.passing = 0;
        ctx.___tinytest.failing = 0;

        // Print label for this group (outer most describe)
        console.log(`%c${desc}`, STYLES.groupLabel);  
      } else {
        // Print label for this sub-group (inner describe)
        console.log(`%c${desc}`, STYLES.subgroupLabel);  


      // Outer most describe responsible for restoring the console.log
      if (unwrapConsolelog) {
        // Also output the test results
        console.log(`${ctx.___tinytest.passing} passing, ${ctx.___tinytest.failing} failing`);
        console.log = ctx.___tinytest.log;
        ctx.___tinytest.log = undefined;
        ctx.___tinytest.inDescribeCtx = false;
      // House kepping
      ctx.___tinytest.indent -= STYLES.indentSize;

     * Check the expected and actual values for equality when primitives, 
     * otherwise JSONify and check equality of their string representations.
     * @param {any} expected value to validate against
     * @param {any} actual value to validate
    ctx.assertEquals = function(expected, actual) {
      if (expected === undefined || actual === undefined)
        throw new Error('expected and actual are required');
      if (typeof expected === 'object' || typeof actual === 'object') {
        expected = JSON.stringify(expected);
        actual = JSON.stringify(actual);
      if (expected !== actual)
        throw new Error(`expected=${expected}, actual=${actual}`);

     * A test to run.
     * @param {string} desc describing our test
     * @param {function} fn to perform actual test
    ctx.it = function(desc, fn) {
      if (!ctx.___tinytest.inDescribeCtx) {
        throw new Error('it(desc, fn) must be within describ block!');

      ctx.___tinytest.indent += STYLES.indentSize;
      try {
        console.log(`%c\u2714 ${desc}`, STYLES.passing);
        ctx.___tinytest.passing += 1;
      } catch (error) {
        console.log(`%c\u2718 ${desc}`, STYLES.failing);
        ctx.___tinytest.indent += STYLES.indentSize;
        console.log(`%c${error}`, STYLES.failing);    
        ctx.___tinytest.indent -= STYLES.indentSize;
      ctx.___tinytest.failing += 1;
      ctx.___tinytest.indent -= STYLES.indentSize;

  return {
    init: (ctx, styles) => _TinyTest(ctx, styles)